Charging Crystals Under The Full Moon

Charging Crystals Under The Full Moon

Crystals have been used for centuries for their spiritual properties, and many people believe that they can be charged under the full moon to enhance their energy. The full moon is a powerful time for charging crystals, as it is believed that the energy of the moon can help to cleanse and activate the crystals.

How To Charge Them Under The Full Moon

The process of charging crystals under the full moon is simple. First, choose the crystals that you wish to charge. It is important to choose crystals that are meaningful to you and that you feel drawn to. Once you have chosen your crystals, place them outside, on a windowsill, or in a place where they will be bathed in moonlight. Leave them there overnight, during the time of the full moon.

The full moon is believed to have a powerful energy that can help to cleanse and activate the crystals. The energy of the moon is said to be associated with intuition, emotions, and spiritual growth. By leaving your crystals in the moonlight, you are allowing them to absorb this energy and become charged with it.

It is important to note that not all crystals should be left outside overnight. Some crystals, such as Selenite, can become damaged by moisture. In this case, place them on a windowsill where they will still be bathed in moonlight but protected from the elements.

After leaving your crystals out under the full moon, it is important to cleanse them. Crystals can be cleansed by leaving them in the sun or moonlight for a few hours, or by smudging them with sage. This will help to remove any negative energy that may have been absorbed during the charging process.

Set Your Intentions

Some people also like to set intentions for their crystals during the full moon. Before placing your crystals outside, take a moment to think about what you would like the crystals to help you with. This can be anything from improving your focus to finding love. Hold your crystals in your hand and set your intention for them.

It is also important to remember that crystals work best when they are used regularly. After charging your crystals under the full moon, make sure to carry them with you or keep them in a place where you will see them often. This will help to keep the energy of the crystals active and in alignment with your intentions.

Crystal Grid Work

In addition to charging crystals under the full moon, some people also like to place crystals in a crystal grid during the full moon. A crystal grid is a powerful tool for healing, manifestation, and meditation. It is created by arranging crystals in a specific pattern, usually in the shape of a circle or mandala. Placing crystals on a grid during the full moon is believed to enhance the energy of the crystals and amplify the intentions set for the grid.

In conclusion, charging crystals under the full moon is a powerful and effective way to enhance the energy of your crystals. The energy of the full moon is associated with intuition, emotions, and spiritual growth, and by leaving your crystals in the moonlight, you are allowing them to absorb this energy and become charged with it. Remember to cleanse your crystals after charging them, set intentions for them, and use them regularly to keep their energy active.

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